Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings, mainly for the purposes of forced labor and sex trafficking. As the world’s fastest growing criminal industry, it affects every nation across the globe. Every 30 seconds, someone becomes a victim of modern-day slavery.
There are more slaves in the world today than at any other point in human history, with an estimated 27 million in bondage across the globe. Men, women, and children are being exploited for manual and sexual labor against their will.
We believe that through this 4 P Model, we will see human trafficking end in our lifetime.
We work to stop individuals from becoming victims of human trafficking by providing awareness, education to the next generation, and interrupting the demand.
Education: We have created education curriculum to educate potential victims of human trafficking in schools, orphanages, and universities. Young people are equipped with information and strategies to avoid becoming victims.
Awareness: We also raise awareness about human trafficking within community groups, churches, and universities globally through the A21 Prevention and Awareness Program and the ShineHope human trafficking prevention program.
We protect survivors of human trafficking by providing a safe environment and by running restoration programs in our aftercare facilities.
Rescue: We are able to offer support to local law enforcement, FBI, and other governmental agencies in the areas of training, investigations, and data collection through our human trafficking hotlines.
Restoration: We come alongside survivors to see them restored physically and emotionally. We provide education, vocational training, and repatriation assistance to equip them for a new and independent future.
We work to prosecute traffickers, provide survivors with legal council, and strengthen the legal response to human trafficking.
Enforcement: We provide access to legal council to the survivors in our care and offer representation for those victims who undertake criminal proceedings to prosecute traffickers.
Legislation: We help guide changes to legislation that will provide a more comprehensive suit of laws and ensure traffickers are held accountable for their crimes.
We aim to partner with fundraising supporters, governmental agencies, and community members to see injustice abolished.
Supporters: We unite with abolitionists who desire to make a difference and provide training, education materials, and programs to be outworked in communities through A-Teams. We work together with our monthly financial supporters who provide sustainable income so we are able to plan new prevention initiatives and assist more victims of human trafficking.
Partners: We collaborate and share information with law enforcement, government agencies, and local service providers to ensure the needs of human trafficking survivors are met.
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